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Genre : Narrative, Atmospheric,

Platform : PC

Number of player : 1
Production time : 4 month

Engine : Unreal Engine 5

Death of internet is a narrative game about nostalgia, mourning, and one's experience with internet as their safe space. It's about how environments and items, that are left there when someone is gone, tell a story.


Audio Direction

Sound Design

Music Production

Wwise Integration

Co-design of the artistic direction with 3 graphists, and lead of a 4 sound designers team

Synthesis of sci-fi, technology sounds

Composition and production of two musics for the game

Wwise-UE4 integration alongside programmer and tech artist Taslim Guerroumi


Made in parallel with What's the Tea


I worked with 3 other sound designers, we were all on two projects


Lead on the audio direction, I made most of the synthesized/stylized sounds and gave direction for others for the foley and wwise-ue5 integration


Artistic direction work was very interesting I loved it cause i love narrative shit


Where I learnt the most was the production and management : communication with a team of sound designers, and with the team, and the team production lateness that prevented us from integrating all sounds


=> aware of the problems of the team forgetting the time to implement sounds

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